Undivided Love by Janet Gear

Group Leaders: Jan Mclean (Council Chair)

Time Commitment: 6 Sessions, 90 minutes each

Meeting Time: Sundays after church beginning April 23rd OR Thursday afternoons at 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM

Resource: Undivided Love: Navigating Landscapes of Living Faith by Janet Gear.

Have you ever wondered why certain church projects appeal to you and others don't?
...or why you feel a special connection to particular Christian practices?
...or why you identify strongly with certain biblical principles?
Do you wish there was a place where you could explore these questions?

Then we have the Learning Circle for you!

Even though we share a common faith, the way we experience and express that faith is special and unique, shaping our opinions, actions, and decisions. 

Based on the book Undivided Love, this Learning Circle is a place to learn about and explore five different ways we live out our faith - the "lived theologies" that are an essential part of who we are and how God has made us.


April 23, 2023 - June 11, 2023
10 out of 20 remaining tickets available
  • Registration Sundays Afternoons

    Tuesday Afternoon Class registration

    10 Remaining
  • Registration Thursday Afternoons

    Saturday Morning Class Registration

    3 Remaining